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Vampire Subscriptions and the Loyalty Crisis: Samsung and Bango Reveal Troubling New Data for Streamers

New reports from Bango and Samsung Ads have revealed that not only are there continuing issues with subscription churn, 但流媒体应用的忠诚度也变得越来越少, and subscribers are increasingly losing track of how much they spend on subscriptions each month.


在这个动荡的选举年, 随着人们对网络错误信息的担忧加剧, 综合广告科学(IAS), 全球领先的媒体测量与优化平台, has expanded its industry-aligned mis信息 suitability and brand safety reporting for advertisers running campaigns across YouTube ad inventory.

AI-Powered Insights for Film and Beyond: How Cinelytic and Callaia Are Streamlining Content Decisions

在最近接受流媒体的Jan Ozer采访时, Cinelytic CEO Tobias Queisser discussed how the company's namesake platform offers 媒体 professionals a streamlined mechanism to assess a film's potential success before production even begins, 并提供可操作的见解铸造, 预算优化, 以及分销策略.


如果我们开始为流媒体服务设置动态付费墙,会发生什么? 利用用户数据, 机器学习, 生成式人工智能可以根据消费模式提供优惠. Some companies are dab­bling in this, but now we have the technology to really start developing it.

粉丝研究发现,80%的消费者会给电视、电影打分 & 电子游戏比音乐更重要 & 体育作为休闲活动

在一个日益繁忙的世界里, consumers flock to entertainment and gaming over other interests including music, 食物和烹饪, 体育, 和旅行. 来自Fandom的一项新研究, 个人时间的力量, explores the reasons behind this trend through three key factors - Dominant Passion Points, 情绪的影响, and Engagement - while also highlighting what these insights mean for brands and marketers.

IBC 2024 流媒体 Digest – AI, 5G, Live Sports, Monetization, Content Curation, and 更多的

ICYMI:这里是流媒体的IBC 2024报道的完整集合. 与参展商, 演讲者, 以及来自170多个国家的游客, 今年的活动是所有最新流媒体的深度聚宝盆, 广播, 媒体, 娱乐热点话题, 包括人工智能, 5G, 现场直播的体育, 内容创作, 还有更多.

IBC 2024:通过与Imaginario AI对话实现更好的内容管理

One AI-driven solution that stood out at IBC 2024 as particularly smart and creative comes from a London-based company called Imaginario AI. 我会见了首席执行官兼联合创始人Jose M. Puga and got an up-close look at a content indexing and curation tool that uses multimodal AI models to "make video content searchable like text." Imaginario AI made a big enough splash at IBC this year to take home 1st prize in the "Manage" category of the IABM's BaM awards.

IBC 2024:你(可能)错过的四件事

服务器引导广告插入的新创新, 基于nrcs的新闻节目制作管理, 减少人工智能工作流程的成本和碳排放, 基于人工智能的云存储和媒体资产管理等.


紧跟着业界最重要的直播活动之一, IBC, 随之而来的是年度直播技术趋势简报. The report covers a variety of topics of interest to live-streaming professionals, 包括音频和视频编解码器的普及, 获取和交付协议的趋势, and business challenges faced by streaming professionals across multiple industries.

IBC 2024:人工智能在媒体中的最大力量是让它看起来很正常

在2024年IBC展会上,人工智能很难不成为头条新闻, not because there was anything groundbreaking in terms of news or product but because the technology is now part and parcel of every 媒体 tech conversation.

派拉蒙全球首席技术官:IBC 2024:转向流媒体获得回报

Paramount Global is under the pump and about to be sold but its future is bright because it is successfully transferring systems from production to distribution in the Cloud, 该公司执行副总裁兼首席技术官表示, 菲尔明智.

Olympics CTV Ad Performance Data From Keynes Digital Shows Lift in Streaming Sports Viewership

New Olympics and live streaming 体育 CTV ad performance data from Keynes Digital has revealed notable lifts in viewership metrics that are particularly relevant as Netflix moves into 现场直播的体育, 比如圣诞节NFL比赛和WWE Raw. Keynes CEO Dan Larkman details the key findings and insights from this data with 流媒体's Tyler Nesler.

IBC 2024:内容观看的未来

Women in 流媒体 presented a fascinating panel on "The Future of Content Viewing" at IBC 2024 that kicked off with some striking data, 由Omdia高级研究主任Maria Rua Aguete提供. 以M开头 & E market poised to top $1 trillion in overall revenue in 2024 and 61% of that coming from advertising, “每个人都知道你不能再只靠潜艇赚钱了."

IBC 2024:在拥挤的流媒体市场中获取客户

Much of what I saw at IBC 2024 focused on various new and nearly new strategies for solving one of the oldest problems in the M&E and OTT world: capturing and retaining customer attention in a constant and crowded battle for eyeballs.

IBC 2024: 5G和体育直播贡献

Many have made the case for 5G-in-the-体育-arena around in-game 体育 betting, and lamented the less-explosive-than-expected growth in that area as a lost opportunity for 5G to demonstrate its prowess. 尽管5G和道具投资仍然是一对般配的组合, much of the 5F buzz at IBC2024 concerned the ways 5G is enabling 现场直播的体育 streamers doing cloud production to bring in multiple feeds and deliver more dynamic and engaging streams and quick-turn highlights.

IBC 2024: Gracenote Exhibits New Watch Prompts Dataset That Drives Audience Tune-in and Engagement

利用人工智能和人类编辑专业知识, 观看提示补充Gracenote视频描述提供事实, 人才招, 内容比较.

IBC 2024: Media Vendors Sacrificing Training and Interop for Revenue and Efficiency, IABM Warns

在IBC2024, the IABM has warned 媒体 tech vendors that they cannot continue to do business the same way they always have. 更重要的是, 他们正在优先投资能够产生收入的产品, 灵活性, 以及以牺牲培训和互操作性为代价的效率.


对于一些出版商来说, third-party cookies enable the targeting that differentiates web-based ads from broadcast ads. 如果你失去了瞄准的能力, you lose the benefit that delivers greater efficiency to marketers and increased CPM on your ad inventory. 在本文中, 我将介绍谷歌关于第三方cookie的拟议行动, 这些计划的现状, 这会影响到谁?, 以及广告商和出版商可以做些什么来减轻这种影响.


BrightLine最近的一项研究, 互动流媒体广告的领先平台, revealed fresh data about the incremental impact of interactive advertising for CTV, including major new findings showing how effective interactive ads are with encouraging unaided recall.


Even the prospect of shedding customers ahead of Monday Night Football's season-opening NFL game isn't deterring DirecTV from doubling down versus Disney in the latest battle to convulse Pay TV. Its contract dispute with Walt Disney Company extends the blackout of channels like ESPN, 美国广播公司, FX, 迪士尼频道的订阅人数已超过1100万.